Open Knowledge Belgium

AppsforGhent IV – The after post

Pieter-Jan Pauwels

We’re proud to see that Apps for Ghent made it to its fourth edition. This year was marked by using environmental and health data, prefixed by a nice addition of green datasets to the Ghent dataportal. With this blogpost we try to summarise this event.

Last saturday, in the AC Portus building in Ghent, six teams contented for the honour of being one of the winning apps for Ghent. After a short introduction about the Datatank and the environmental data, the teams found their own room and started hacking. Parallel from this there were Apps For Dummies Sessions, Datatalks and a Coder Dojo for kids.

All in all we had some great input from the teams and a new look into the minds of the digital citizens of Ghent. We had a lot of fun and interesting talks.

Want to relive the whole thing? Here a few links to satisfy your hackathon needs:

Click here to watch the teams and their presentations.
Click here to watch who won which award.

Check out the pictures here:

Or relive the social media side of things with this storify:

[View the story “Apps for Ghent IV Social Media Aftermath” on Storify]


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